A. There will be a noticable difference in the shade of the teeth, however, the degree of teeth whitening will depend on the existing shade.

A. A reasonable frequency would be two times a year.

A. we recommend you come in for a check ASAP.

A. The first dental check up for an infant should be done between the age of 2 or 3.

A. There is no adequate substituute for flossing. You can use different kinds of small toothbrushes or rubber tip, but you should see a dentist to identify the problem and to determine the best solution for you.

A. Traumatic injuries to teeth are more common than ever before and they are the most serious of dental conditions. First, find the tooth and keep it moist while transporting the injured person to the dental office. Distilled water, contact lens solution and milk are considered acceptable liquids to preserve the delicate soft tissue surrounding the root. Second, the tooth should be replanted immediately or at least within 30 - 60 minutes if possible.

A. Yes, but it might also be a problem or gum disease. Your dentist can give you the best advice.

A. In general, yes, but you should consult a dentist to see how.

A. yes because your teeth will continue to move and it might cause a serious problem. Speak with your dentist for different affordable options.